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The following is a list of all administrative regulations promulgated by the Alabama Commissioner of Insurance. The regulations are listed in order by regulation number. Regulations that have been repealed or that are otherwise no longer in force have been omitted from this list.

If you do not know the specific number of a regulation, please use your browser's "Find" feature to search for specific words that may be included in the description of a regulation.

Included is a link for the full text of the regulations. The link will be in the column on the right titled "Format of Link" and will take you to either a "Word", "Excel" or a "PDF" file.

Regulation NumberDescriptionFormat of Link
3Per Diem Subsistence and Compensation Incurred in Examination of Domestic Insurance Companies and Ot PDF
9Industrial Fire Insurance Policies PDF
11Nationwide Marine Definition Adopted PDF
13Disability Insurance Advertisements and Other Similar Coverages PDF
17So-Called "Free Insurance" in Connection with Sales of Cemetery Lots, Automobiles, and Other Articles and Services PDF
24Filing for Approval of All Life and Accident and Health Policy Forms, Riders, Endorsements and Applications PDF
36Insurance Placed with Companies not Licensed in Alabama PDF
39Classification of Certain Types of Insurance as Inland Marine PDF
40Insurance - Rebates - Dividends PDF
42Proxies, Consents and Authorizations of Domestic Stock Insurers PDF
43Mortgage Guaranty Insurance PDF
54Notification of Actions Against Insurance Companies, Insurance Producers, and Other Licensed Entities PDF
55Insurance Holding Company System Regulation with Reporting Forms and Instructions PDF
58Placement of Property and Casualty Insurance on a Brokerage Basis PDF
60Only Admissible Assets Shall be Reported on Annual Statements PDF
62General Property/Casualty Binders, Certificates of Insurance or Indemnity Agreements PDF
63Minimum Surplus Required to Issue Policies of Insurance PDF
65Procedural Rules Governing Administrative Hearings PDF
66Treatment of Unclaimed Funds by Insurers PDF
71Medicare Supplement Insurance Minimum Standards PDF
72Receipt Requirements PDF
73Alabama Procedure for Permitting Same Minimum Nonforfeiture Standards for Men and Women Insured Under 1980 CSO and 1980 CET Mortality Tables PDF
75Smoker - Non-Smoker Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits PDF
76Alabama Procedures for Recognizing a New Annuity Mortality Table for Use in Determining Reserve Liabilities for Annuities PDF
77Custodial Agreements and the Use of Clearing Corporations by Domestic Insurance Companies PDF
78Named Payee on Checks Written for Premiums and Receipts Therefore PDF
79Health Maintenance Organizations Generally PDF
80Liabilities of Health Maintenance Organizations PDF
81Licensing of Sales Agents for Health Maintenance Organizations PDF
82Health Maintenance Organization Guaranty Association PDF
83Governing Rules of the Alabama Health Maintenance Organization Guaranty Association PDF
85Life and Health Reinsurance Agreements PDF
88Guidelines to Advertisers Regarding the Offering of Free Gifts, Benefits, etc. PDF
90Examination Expenses of Rule, Rate or Form Filings by Rate-Making Organizations PDF
91Long-Term Care Insurance PDF
93Credit Property and Involuntary Unemployment Insurance PDF
94Surplus Notes PDF
96Placement of Insurance Through Alien Unauthorized Insurers PDF
97NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures and Insurer Reporting Requirements PDF
98Valuation of Investments PDF
99Capital and Surplus Requirement PDF
101Standards for Determining Hazardous Financial Condition PDF
102Participation in the NAIC Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS) PDF
103Conduct of Examinations and Filing of Reports of Examination PDF
106Managing General Agents PDF
106Form AL-MGA-1. This is the form used to apply for MGA Appointment. (Rev. 9/21) PDF
106Form AL-MGA-2. This is the MGA contract insurers must use. (Rev. 8/2002) PDF
106Form AL-MGA-3. This form is used by insurers to cancel an MGA appointment. (Rev. 8/2002) PDF
106Form AL-MGA-4. This form is used to renew your MGA Appointment. PDF
107Reinsurance Intermediaries PDF
107Form AL-RI-1. Use this form to apply for Reinsurance Intermediary License. Word
109Continuation of Appointments for Producers and Service Representatives PDF
110Renewal of License and Continuing Education for Producers and Service Representatives PDF
111Licensing of Limited Line Credit Insurance Producers PDF
112Actuarial Opinion and Memorandum PDF
113Accelerated Benefit Provisions of Individual And Group Life Insurance Policies PDF
114Life Insurance Illustrations PDF
115Alabama Health Insurance Plan PDF
116Alabama Small Employer Allocation Program PDF
117Credit Life and Disability Insurance PDF
118Record Retention for Financial Audits and Time Limits for Response to Inquiries from Examiners PDF
119Restrictions on Loans obtained by Insurance Producers from their clients PDF
120Valuation of Life Insurance Policies (Including the Introduction and Use of New Select Mortality Factors) PDF
122Privacy of Nonpublic Personal Financial Information PDF
123Rates and Forms Filing Requirements for Property and Casualty Insurance PDF
124Standards for Life, Accident and Health Insurance Claims PDF
125Standards for Property/Casualty Insurance Claims PDF
126Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information PDF
127Use of Credit Information for Determining Rates and Eligibility for Personal Insurance PDF
128Group Coordination of Benefits (COB) [adoption of new subparagraph (e) in Section 6 (Rule 482-1-128-.06)] PDF
129Annuity Disclosure PDF
130Recognition of the 2001 CSO Mortality Table for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Benefits PDF
131Life Insurance Disclosure PDF
132Advertisements of Life Insurance and Annuities PDF
133Life Insurance and Annuities Replacement PDF
134Health Insurance Reserves PDF
135Mediation Alternative Procedures For Resolution Of Disputed Personal Lines Insurance Claims Arising From Hurricane, Tropical Storm, Tornados And Other Disasters Damage PDF
136Notice Requirements for Coverage Restrictions of Existing Policies at Renewal and for Non-Renewal of Coverage PDF
137Suitability in Annuity Transactions PDF
138Captive Insurers PDF
139Recognition of Preferred Mortality Tables for use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities PDF
140Military Sales Practices PDF
141Annual Financial Reporting PDF
142Biographical Data Relating to Company Officers and Directors PDF
142Attachment A, NAIC Form 11 (Rev. 2008) Word
143Preneed Insurance Minimum Standards for Determining Reserve Liabilities and Nonforfeiture Values PDF
144Electronic Filing of Premium Tax Returns and Surplus Line Broker Tax Returns; Electronic Payment of Premium Taxes, Surplus Line Broker Taxes and Fees PDF
146Criminal History Disclosure and 18 U.S.C. Section 1033 Consent PDF
147Insurance Producers, Temporary Producers, and Service Representatives PDF
148Title Insurance Agents (effective October 1, 2024) PDF
149Property and Casualty Actuarial Opinion on Loss Reserves PDF
150Estimation of Replacement Cost of Insured Dwellings PDF
151Independent Adjusters PDF
152Personal Property By-Peril Rating Requirements PDF
153Portable Electronics Insurance Vendors PDF
154Payment Failure PDF
155Publication Fees PDF
156Credit for Reinsurance PDF
157Criminal History Background Checks for Insurance Producers and Independent Adjusters PDF
158Criminal History Background Checks for Title Insurance Agents PDF
159Strengthen Alabama Homes (effective January 1, 2025) PDF
160Adjustment of Certain Fees According to Changes in the CPI PDF
161Adoption of Valuation Manual PDF
162Vehicle Protection Product PDF
163Value-Added Service or Product PDF
164Pharmacy Benefits Managers PDF
165Military Family Jobs Opportunity Applicants PDF
166Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure PDF
167Term and Universal Life Insurance Reserve Financing PDF